We have been working with ISU Extension to create a FASTWORKS Virtual monthly program. We want to continue to provide an avenue of support. Register now! Deadlines are fast approaching.
over 4 years ago, Marion ISD
Fastworks MISD
over 4 years ago, Vernon Middle School
VMS Sports Suspended 11/16-12/10
Have some Friday fun! Equipment has been purchased and is being installed at VMS and MHS in order to live feed events. In order to live feed, we need 1000 YouTube subscribers. We encourage you to subscribe! Channel: MISD Media. Look for our district logo!
over 4 years ago, Peggy Murphy
YouTube Subscribers
The Marion Foundation granted the students of FMI and Mrs. Freese with individual music packs to allow students to continue to explore music safely during the pandemic. Thank you!!
over 4 years ago, Nicki Burlage
Mrs. Freese
Marion HS will begin a hybrid A/B schedule from Nov 11th through Dec 4th. Check your email for more details. Tues, Nov 11th will be Cohort A (last names A-J + students w/ siblings w/ a different last name K-Z but who reside in the same household))
over 4 years ago, Marion High School
Reminder that second quarter begins tomorrow at MHS. New beginnings & opportunities!
over 4 years ago, Marion High School
Attention Longfellow Parents: Please remember that students may be dropped off starting at 7:55am if they are eating breakfast at school. All other students can start being dropped off at 8:05am. A bell signals when students may start entering the building. We do not have staff available to supervise students dropped off before then as teachers are often in meetings. Thank you for help in this.
over 4 years ago, Teresa Haag
Join our community for Dine Out For Our Schools on October 29th!
over 4 years ago, Peggy Murphy
Dine Out
Marion Independent and the Marion Public Library collaborate to issue library cards to all MISD students. Read here for more details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H7f2g8taNd2sgRcYwSkGEaFOHnnTKcxTH_Ak56i8bpg/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Peggy Murphy
Library Cards
MISD Families, For students who will be attending on-site, please take a moment to read and complete the brief survey below. MISD will begin the year for students attending on-site with a 2 week hybrid schedule. Students will attend on-site 5 of the first 10 days, but breakfast/lunch will be available through your child's meal account on the days when your child is not on-site. Please complete the following survey no later than Friday, September 4 to indicate whether or not you wish to pick up breakfast/lunch for your child(ren) on the days when they are not attending on-site. Thank you! *Survey is accessible using the link above or by entering https://forms.gle/yTFpG9Kh9neTVdv9A in your browser. Thank you, MISD
over 4 years ago, Peggy Murphy
over 4 years ago, Peggy Murphy
Online Registration 20-21
Congrats to Marion Boys Baseball! #MISDinspire #MISDOwnYourFuture
over 4 years ago, Peggy Murphy
State Boys Baseball
MISD Community, Linn County Public Health Department released a guidance document to support districts in developing Return to Learn plans. This document provides helpful guidance as our MISD leadership team continues to develop and make revisions to our district plan, and we are appreciative of their work and collaboration. Our planning process remains focused on the health and safety of our students, staff, and MISD community. MISD’s plan was released on July 14. We continue to develop building-specific plans, make revisions as new guidance is released, and will remain responsive throughout the upcoming year. An update to the plan, which will include building-level details and any revisions, will be shared during the week of July 27. Additionally, families will receive a survey during the week of July 20 to indicate current intentions regarding returning to on-site or requesting online instructional delivery, as well as whether school bus transportation will be needed. Thank you for your partnership and patience as we continue to plan for the upcoming school year. Sincerely, Janelle Brouwer, Superintendent Linn County Public Health Return to School Guidance can be found at: https://www.linncounty.org/health
over 4 years ago, Marion Independent School District
Students in Face masks
School Supply Lists for 20-21 School Year Check out the Document Center on our website/app for an updated list for your building.
over 4 years ago, Marion Independent School District
School Supply Lists
Supt. Brouwer releases MISD's Return to Learn plan.
over 4 years ago, Marion Independent School District