School Volunteers

The Board of Education recognizes that the use of volunteers strengthens school/community relations through positive participation, builds an understanding of school programs among interested citizens, and assists employees in providing more individualization and enrichment opportunities in instruction.
Volunteers may come from all backgrounds and age groups and may include any persons willing to give their time for the purpose of helping children through planned auxiliary services. Volunteers may be involved in many facets of school operations. School personnel who are responsible for tasks or projects that will make use of volunteers will identify appropriate tasks and time schedules for such activities, as well as make provisions for adequate supervision, in-service programs, and evaluations. Volunteers will not be used to provide transportation for school-sponsored activities.
Becoming A Volunteer
Marion Independent School District has taken a step toward significantly improving safety and accountability at its schools by implementing an innovative software called KeepnTrack®. KeepnTrack® is a visitor/volunteer management system that transforms the way schools manage all traffic on campus.
A visitor is a person who has legitimate school business to transact, such as a conference with a staff member, and whose conduct is not disruptive or disturbing to the normal operation of the school. Visitors may include but are not limited to parents, community members, vendors, and agency representatives.
A volunteer provides services for the Marion Independent School district without receiving monetary compensation. All chaperones are volunteers and must complete the online volunteer application. No individual may accompany an MISD field trip who is not an approved volunteer.
When visitors, volunteers or contractors check-in, or parents/guardians come to the facility, they will be asked to present a valid state-issued ID for entering into the system. KeepnTrack will compare information from visitors and volunteers to alert of potential risks to the safety of the campus. Even if known to the staff, you will be subject to adhere to this verification process on every visit. If there is no problem a badge will print.
All visitor and/or volunteers will be required to wear the badge while on the school site. When a visitor and/or volunteer is ready to leave, he or she must sign out and dispose of the badge as directed.
All volunteers will need to complete an online volunteer application before they may begin service as a volunteer in any school or schools. If completing an application online is not possible, paper applications are available in all schools. Online applications take up to 48 hours, paper applications will take up to 2 weeks.
We feel certain this will help us keep our campus a little safer and ask for your cooperation in presenting your valid state-issued ID when checking in at the school and/or registering as a volunteer.
If you have any questions regarding the implementation of this new system, please contact your school’s administrators.