To learn more, please view this student-created video:
Renewing the levy will not increase the property tax rate.
The MISD tax rate has remained steady for the past seven years.
Renewing the levy will maintain, not increase, the current tax rate.
The district wants to renew the voted PPEL at $1.34 per $1,000 of taxable value.
The overall tax rate was $18.01 in fiscal year 2024.
The district and its board continue to examine ways to minimize impacts on property taxpayers. By extending the district’s voter-approved PPEL, we will continue to make investments to protect our district’s assets and ensure our students continue to have the opportunities they need to succeed.
If it’s approved, the district would continue to use the funds to cover costs related to building and grounds maintenance, technology advancements, and other allowed expenses.
The PPEL would ensure funds for another 10 years.
The existing PPEL approved by voters will sunset on July 1, 2025 without renewal.
If the PPEL is not renewed, the district would need to consider using general fund or SAVE money to support building upkeep, transportation, and technology, potentially delaying other planned projects.
Learn How PPEL Benefits Students and Staff
Watch this video to learn more about how PPEL projects benefit students and staff at MISD.
Voting Information
On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. You can find your voting location here: https://www.linncountyelections.org/lookup/.
Satellite voting took place on Tuesday, February 27, from 3:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Marion High School cafeteria.
What Will Be On The Ballot?
The question on the ballot will read as follows:
Shall the Board of Directors of the Marion Independent School District, in the County of Linn, State of Iowa, for the purpose of purchasing and improving grounds; constructing schoolhouses or buildings and opening roads to schoolhouses or buildings; purchasing of buildings; purchase, lease or lease purchase of technology and equipment; paying debts contracted for the erection or construction of schoolhouses or buildings, not including interest on bonds; procuring or acquisition of libraries; repairing, remodeling, reconstructing, improving, or expanding the schoolhouses or buildings and additions to existing schoolhouses; expenditures for energy conservation; renting facilities under Iowa Code Chapter 28E; purchasing transportation equipment for transporting students; lease purchase option agreements for school buildings or equipment; purchasing equipment authorized by law; or for any purpose or purposes now or hereafter authorized by law, be authorized for a period of ten (10) years to levy and impose a voter-approved physical plant and equipment tax of not exceeding One Dollar Thirty-Four Cents ($1.34) per One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) of assessed valuation of the taxable property within the school district, and be authorized annually, in combination, as determined by the board, to levy a physical plant and equipment property tax upon all the taxable property within the school district commencing with the levy of property taxes for collection in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026, and to impose a physical plant and equipment income surtax upon the state individual income tax of each individual income taxpayer resident in the school district on December 31 for each calendar year commencing with calendar year 2025, or each year thereafter?
What does the Income Surtax mean in the ballot language?
The voted PPEL can consist of either property tax exclusively or a combination of property tax and income surtax. The maximum allowable rate remains at $1.34 per $1,000 that the district can receive for PPEL. The introduction of the income surtax aims to alleviate the burden on property taxes by spreading the tax liability to all residents in the community and not just property owners. Any Income Surtax collected reduces the amount of Property tax. For example, for the FY24 Budget year the income surtax rate is 2%, which means that taxpayers pay a 2% surcharge on their Iowa Income Tax liability to partially offset what would have been property tax. This means that while the PPEL is authorized at $1.34/thousand of property tax, the use of income surtax makes the actual property tax rate for the voted PPEL in the current year $0.77.