A Plan For Our Future
Take a look at the drawings for a new elementary school for the Marion Independent School District students. #MISDOwnYourFuture #MISDinspire The Bond Vote is March 2, 2021.

Marion Independent will have a 2 hour delay on Friday, February 5th.
No AM Preschool. No AM Activities. No breakfast.

MISD will be closed Thursday, February 4th due to weather. No School on 2/4/21.

Do you have an incoming kindergarten student at MISD? Parents/Guardians, contact the Longfellow or Starry office to be placed on our list for incoming students for the Class of 2034! #MISDOwnYourFuture #MISDinspire

A Plan For Our Future
Mike Murphy, FMI Principal, shares areas where facility improvements would benefit the learning and safety needs of students at FMI. Watch Mr. Murphy at: https://youtu.be/EIL6-2p1hew #MISDOwnYour Future #MISDInspire

March 2nd bond vote. Take a look at the planned improvements to FMI. #MISDinspire #MISDOwnYourFuture

Enjoy this short video on how to find all the Bond Vote 2021 information on our website! Visit: https://youtu.be/bcj9qc8b3Qc and share with others! #MISDinspire #MISDOwnYourFuture

Marion Independent will be closed Tuesday, January 26th due to the weather.

Marion Independent will operate on a 2 hour late start schedule for Tuesday, January 26th. No breakfast will be served. School start times are delayed 2 hours.

Learn more about the upcoming vote! Take a self-guided tour at Starry, FMI, and/or MHS on January 25th 12pm-2pm. RSVP at (319)377-4691 ext. 1101. Join our virtual information session to ask questions about the facilities plan on February 9th from 6pm-7pm.

Take a look at the proposed new auditorium at the Marion High School site. #MISDOwnYourFuture #MISDinspire #MISDPlanForOurFuture

Submit your team name/mascot ideas for Marion High School at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YQK2KHB. Survey closes January 29th.

Starting on Tuesday, January 19th there will be a change to our Grab and Go meals. All K-12 Grab and Go meals can be picked up at Marion High School by Door 13 from 10:15am -10:45am. Questions? Email bcaraway@marion-isd.org.

1st grade students in Mrs. Ehrisman's class learn about sound and vibration by hitting a tuning fork against wood and touching the ping pong ball with the fork. The vibration from the tuning fork made the ping pong ball bounce.

1st grade students in Mrs. Ehrisman's class learn about sound and vibration by hitting a tuning fork against wood and touching the ping pong ball with the fork. The vibration from the tuning fork made the ping pong ball bounce.

1st grade students in Mrs. Ehrisman's class learn about sound and vibration by hitting a tuning fork against wood and touching the ping pong ball with the fork. The vibration from the tuning fork made the ping pong ball bounce.

1st grade students in Mrs. Ehrisman's class learn about sound and vibration by hitting a tuning fork against wood and touching the ping pong ball with the fork. The vibration from the tuning fork made the ping pong ball bounce.

We are excited to share the latest update on our MISD Facilities Plan and information about our upcoming Bond Election: https://youtu.be/TnJlagVSgZA

You can find all the preschool registration information for 21-22 here: https://www.marion-isd.org/article/379125. Registration opens February 19th at noon.

Happy New Year from The Marion Independent School District. School resumes on January 4th in the hybrid schedule. #MISDOwnYourFuture #MISDinspire