One of the goals of the Marion Independent School District is to establish and maintain a safe environment that supports the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of each learner. At Longfellow we strive to build a positive school climate where ALL students can learn and grow. Through an evidence-based three-tiered framework -- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports -- Longfellow students receive instruction in social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes and expectations. All school staff and students participate in school-wide PBIS.
At Longfellow, school-wide PBIS promotes positive, predictable, and safe environments for everyone at school in every school setting. Four critical features -- outcomes, systems, data, and practices -- are utilized to improve social competence and academic achievement. Each tier has differing applications or layers of support, depending on the needs of individual learners.
PBIS has been shown to reduce major disciplinary infractions, reduce out-of-school suspension, improve prosocial behavior, improve academic achievement and improve school climate.
The Iowa Department of Education recognizes schools for their work implementing PBIS. Schools are recognized at various levels as they implement PBIS practices. Longfellow was recognized at the Honor Level. This means they have defined and taught behavior expectations and implemented systems to develop consistent response to appropriate and problem behaviors. In addition, the building meets regularly and uses data to inform decision making.
Longfellow School-wide PBIS Team
Nicole Harmer - Principal
Rachel Zaruba - School Counselor, Internal Coach
Chelsea Albright - Special Education, Internal Coach
Lee Ann Groene - Instructional Coach
Bethany Votroubek - School Social Worker, External Coach (not pictured)
Katy Lee - School Social Worker, ISF Coach (not pictured)
Allison Beckner - Kindergarten Representative
Elli Russell - First Grade Representative
Joyce Kuethe - Second Grade Representative
Kim DeWulf - Strategist Representative
Oliva Freesmeier - Specialist Representative
Rachel Hauck - Parent Representative (not pictured)