MHSAP will be closed Monday, May 31 for the holiday. Summer hours at MHSAP begin Tuesday, June 1. OFFICE Hours will be: M-Th: 9:00am-Noon and 1:00-3:30pm F: 9:00am-Noon LIBRARY Hours will be: Thursdays only: 10:00am-Noon and 1:00-3:00pm June 3 is the first day families enrolled in the 2021-22 school year can begin checking out MHSAP library materials. Families can now come in to the library (on Thursdays) without needing an appointment. Online reservations and curbside pickup by the library door is also still available for those who prefer that option. Just ring the doorbell by the library door. The library will be closed the week of August 16-20. Contact: Gina Perry (office),, Mary Bran (library),, Laurie Carrick (library),
Summer Hours Begin June 1
May 30, 2021