VMS Athletic Apparel Update!
Soccer Sign-up!
Track Sign-up!
There are menu changes for this Tuesday and Friday.
Tuesday, March 9: Grilled Cheese, Romaine Salad, Oranges
Friday, March 12: Macaroni & Cheese with Roll/Sausage Patty, Peas, Mandarin Oranges
Vernon’s first official girls only wrestling team finished up their season tonight! Great job, girls!
*one teammate missing
Yesterday, the MHS Color Guard coach stopped by VMS and talked to students about High School Color Guard. If you're interested, check out the clinic offered at the high school!
Election results are in! Thank you to all who voted in the bond election. It passed with over 80% support! #MISDOwnYourFuture #MISDinspire
Today is the last day to vote on Marion Independent's Bond Referendum! Listen to students share their thoughts on the final day of voting at: https://youtu.be/O1f677g3mdA. #MISDOwnYourFuture #MISDAPlanForOurFuture #MISDinspire
MISD announces Mr. Chad Zrudsky as the next principal of Starry Elementary School! When you see Mr. Zrudsky at MHS or around Marion, be sure to congratulate him! His duties will begin at Starry on July 1, 2021. #MISDinspire #MISDOwnYourFuture
There's 1 day left! Tomorrow is the bond vote. You can vote today at the Lindale Mall food court from 11am to 6:30pm. Or cast your vote tomorrow at any of the polling locations! Any last minute questions? We would love to hear from you. Give us a call at (319)377-4691.
Two days until the tax neutral bond vote! You can cast your vote on Monday, 3/1 at Lindale Mall or Tuesday, 3/2 on voting day. Give us a call if you have any final questions at (319)377-4691. Visit marion-isd.org/page/bondvote2021 for all the district's long range facility plan.
Three days until voting day! Look at the possibilities for our future! The tax neutral bond vote is March 2nd. Visit https://www.marion-isd.org/page/bondvote2021 for all your bond vote information. #MISDOwnYourFuture
Support the VMS Athletic Department! Last day to order is 2/28!
Look at the possibilities for our students! The tax neutral bond vote is March 2nd! There's only 4 days left! Vote early at the Lindale Mall food court on 2/26 and 3/1 from 11am to 6:30pm. Visit: https://www.marion-isd.org/page/bondvote2021 for information on the vote.
There's only 5 days until voting day! Did you know you can still vote early at the Lindale Mall food court? Mall voting is available on 2/26 and 3/1 from 11am to 6:30pm. The bond vote is 3/2! Visit https://www.marion-isd.org/page/bondvote2021 for all your bond information!
Mrs. Hale’s 7th grade artists wrapped up their coil pot projects with a last coat of gloss sealant and they are ready to take home. We are impressed by our results! #vmsinspire
Polling places for the March 2 Tax Neutral Bond Vote are Marion: Gospel Light Baptist Church, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, American Legion 298, Ascension Lutheran Church, Marion City Hall and Christ Episcopal Church, 220 40th Street NE, Cedar Rapids.
The results are in! Thank you to those that participated in the mascot survey. The MISD school board will vote tonight to accept the recommendation based on the survey results for Marion to become the Marion Mavericks! #MarionMavericks #MISDOwnYourFuture
8th grade literacy students are practicing finding central ideas and reading for details. They read about NASA Mathematician Katherine Johnson last week and the origins and effects of the Sit In Movement this week.
Listen to staff at Starry as they share why the school spaces for the PK-2 students for the Starry attendance center are in need of an upgrade for safety and security. Why a new elementary? Watch at: https://youtu.be/N3IVTnHuCUE