The results are in! Thank you to those that participated in the mascot survey. The MISD school board will vote tonight to accept the recommendation based on the survey results for Marion to become the Marion Mavericks! #MarionMavericks #MISDOwnYourFuture

Listen to staff at Starry as they share why the school spaces for the PK-2 students for the Starry attendance center are in need of an upgrade for safety and security. Why a new elementary? Watch at: https://youtu.be/N3IVTnHuCUE

Reminder -- PreSchool Registration begins tomorrow! The preschool registration for 2021-22 opens up tomorrow, February 19th at 12 noon. Get all the details here: https://www.marion-isd.org/article/379125

Vote Early: Lindale Mall food court in Cedar Rapids Monday-Friday from 11am to 6:30pm through March 1.
Vote Absentee: Request an absentee ballot from the Linn County auditor by February 19. Request ballots online: https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/pdf/absenteeballotapp.pdf

Lucas, a student at MHS, shares why he thinks moving the playing field to the proposed Activities Complex is a good choice. Watch the interview at: https://youtu.be/Ab3fm6veEuA. #MISDinspire #MISDOwnYourFuture

Thanks to all who submitted suggestions for our mascot. The committee has the next mascot narrowed down to 3 options. Students, parents, staff, alumni, and community - cast your vote! Vote by 2/20 at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TNTPHWS. We appreciate one vote per individual.

MISD will be closed today, Monday, February 15th due to the dangerous wind chill warning.

Marion ISD will operate on a 2 hour delay, Monday, February 15th. Stay safe Marion!

Upcoming menu change for Thursday, February 18th:
K-8: Corn Dog, Steamed Corn, Pineapple
9-12: Mashed Potato/Chicken Bowl, Steamed Corn, Pineapple

Marion High School students talk about how future projects would impact their school experience. Enjoy an interview with two MHS students about what A Plan For Our Future means to them at https://youtu.be/1VTJkZYLrhM.

You can view MISD's draft calendar for 2021-22 at www.marion-isd.org/21-22calendar. If you would like to share feedback, please call Stephanie Viner, Admin Asst - District Support Services, at (319)377-4691, ext. 1101.

MISD will operate on a 2 hr delay for Tuesday, 2/9/21 due to the temperature with wind chill. No AM activities. No AM preschool.

MISD families,
At MISD face masks are still required in all schools and on school buses.
Also, mitigation strategies for athletics/activities will remain the same.
Thank you,
Marion Independent School District

A Plan For Our Future
Take a look at the drawings for a new elementary school for the Marion Independent School District students. #MISDOwnYourFuture #MISDinspire The Bond Vote is March 2, 2021.

There will be a dining menu change for Friday, February 5th. Menu: Walking Beef Tacos, Lettuce, Cheese Cup, Refried Beans, Salsa Cup

Marion Independent will have a 2 hour delay on Friday, February 5th.
No AM Preschool. No AM Activities. No breakfast.

MISD will be closed Thursday, February 4th due to weather. No School on 2/4/21.

Do you have an incoming kindergarten student at MISD? Parents/Guardians, contact the Longfellow or Starry office to be placed on our list for incoming students for the Class of 2034! #MISDOwnYourFuture #MISDinspire

A Plan For Our Future
Mike Murphy, FMI Principal, shares areas where facility improvements would benefit the learning and safety needs of students at FMI. Watch Mr. Murphy at: https://youtu.be/EIL6-2p1hew #MISDOwnYour Future #MISDInspire

March 2nd bond vote. Take a look at the planned improvements to FMI. #MISDinspire #MISDOwnYourFuture