From the Principal

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Marion High School. The faculty and staff at Marion High School look forward to being part of our students’ development during their time with us. Our teachers are committed to providing a quality education for our students. We believe it is critical to develop students who are independent thinkers able to make informed decisions using reason, logic, and a measured approach in all they do. We understand our students come from a variety of backgrounds with varied views and experiences, and our charge is to embrace this and create a sincere, challenging, and enriched learning environment in which each student is able to reach their individual potential. We want academic success for our students, and we are committed to this. We are also very aware that a student who believes in his/her own promise and self-worth will find success as they leave Marion High School. Our philosophy embraces both concepts. Following high school our students will take many different paths. As an educational institution it is imperative that we consider this in all we do. Marion High School is a place where all are welcome. For four years MHS is our students’ home away from home and we are honored to be in this position. We look forward to partnering with parents and guardians in this responsibility. The Marion High School staff is responsive and committed to serving our community, and we welcome emails, phone calls, and collaboration in all matters. The success of our students and the opportunities that our students are provided are directly related to the commitment and efforts of our parents, and we appreciate this partnership and support.
Greg Semler
Marion High School Principal