January 28, 2022
Kindergarten students at Starry have been working hard toward their goal of becoming expert readers! One of the ways they are doing this is by learning to read high-frequency words...
January 23, 2022
The Starry Library is lucky enough to have two teacher-librarians that teach students about a variety of topics every week. Liz Pearson and Apra Loomis Mainardi are the teacher li...
January 13, 2022
Through several retirements, Marion Independent School District is seeking individuals with dynamic communication skills, positivity, and belief in each student in our school syst...
January 12, 2022
Our preschool registration process will begin on February 25th with a live link opening at noon for those interested in signing up. Registrations will be accepted on a first come,...
January 6, 2022
Special education is a service students can qualify for if they are significantly discrepant from their peers. Services can be provided in many different categories including acade...
December 8, 2021
Every other week, Counselor Johnson visits each classroom. A bit different from the regular “specials” schedule, this time is used for instruction surrounding Career, Academic, Per...
November 23, 2021
All MISD Building Offices will be closed November 24-27 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, November 29.
November 23, 2021
1st grade is doing big things in math! At MISD, Kindergarten through sixth grade students learn a math curriculum called Everyday Math. This curriculum is research based and in...
November 18, 2021
This week in physical education, all students are participating in the Famous Starry Turkey Chase to help get ready for Thanksgiving! Students are going through an obstacle course...
November 12, 2021
PBIS is a system that is used at Starry Elementary to incorporate and encourage safety and appropriate behavior. The acronym stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Suppor...
November 1, 2021
Starry Elementary has supports in place to help students who may need extra support in math and reading. Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. VonBehren are our "strategists" and they work togethe...
October 11, 2021
This fall, the second-grade classes have been learning about pebbles, sand, and silt in science. Using the FOSS kits from GWAEA, students learned about the earth’s natural resource...
September 21, 2021
Earlier this month, you read about how Starry students start their day with Soft Start. This allows students to play and regulate themselves before starting the academic day. After...
September 11, 2021
Dine Out is back! Skip the kitchen and join Marion Independent & Linn-Mar for a community-wide Dine Out For Our Schools event on Thursday, September 16th. *Restaurant partners lis...
September 1, 2021
Each morning at Starry, students enter their classrooms for a time that we refer to as “Soft Start”. Soft Start is a way for students to calmly ease into their academic day by enga...
August 16, 2021
The Marion Athletic Booster Club (MABC) store is now open for those interested in placing an order for Wolves gear. The online order form is accessible at the following link: http...
August 15, 2021
As the 2021-22 school year approaches, we wanted to remind everyone that the USDA will be providing free meals for all enrolled students this school year.
Please note that al...
August 9, 2021
For Immediate Release
August 5, 2021
Candidate Filing Period for City/School Election
LINN COUNTY, IA —The combined city/school election in Linn County will be held ...
June 27, 2021
Here's an opportunity for you to serve our great school district! We will have 3 open at-large seats for the school board election this fall. Candidate filing dates are August 23 ...
June 2, 2021
MISD Families,
Our new eRegistration platform is now open for all new and returning students! Find information at www.marion-isd.org -->District Information-->Enrolling Y...