At Parkview, the 'Founding Fathers' visited to teach students about the significance of Constitution Day. Each class had the option to create their own classroom preamble, and students were given Constitution Day bookmarks to decorate!
#MISDInspire #MISDOwnYourFuture

Parkview students are working towards their first school wide PBIS goal! Each class is working to receive 50 whole class points to earn their reward. They are working towards a school wide chalk party! #pbis #parkviewinspire #misdinspire

Second grade wrapped up their first #CKLA knowledge domain over fairy tales and tall tales. One of the tall tales they heard was about Paul Bunyan who was so large he ate colossal sized flapjacks. To celebrate, none other than Paul Bunyan himself came to visit! #misdinspire #parkviewinspire

Reminder: Parkview's annual Walk-a-Thon fundraiser is happening now! 🎉 100% of proceeds will stay at Parkview! Donations are due by Wednesday, September 18. Reach out to Parkview Elementary at (319) 377-4698 if you would like to support! #MISDInspire #MISDOwnYourFuture

Constitution Day is September 17! 🇺🇸
All week, MISD students will be learning about the Constitution, participating in engaging activities & exploring the document’s history. #MISDInspire #MISDOwnYourFuture

Constitution Day is Tuesday, September 17! 🇺🇸
All week, Marion ISD students will be learning about the U.S. Constitution, participating in engaging activities, and exploring the document’s history.
Stay tuned this week as we’ll be sharing more about how our students are participating in this important celebration! #MISDinspire #MISDOwnYourFuture

Dine Out For Our Schools is Thursday, September 19th! Promotion applies ALL DAY and includes dine-in, take-out and delivery unless otherwise indicated! DINE OUT at these restaurants and up to 20% of your total bill will be donated to our School Foundations.

The Marion Music Boosters are partnering with Red Robin on Wednesday, September 18th. Red Robin will give 20% back of food sales to the Marion Music Boosters. Please see the flyer for more details.

We are looking to fill roles throughout MISD! 📣
Want to join our team? Start your journey here: https://www.marion-isd.org/page/employment-opportunities #MISDInspire #MISDOwnYourFuture

September 11 remains a day of reflection and reverence in our country. 🇺🇸
We remember those who were tragically lost and honor the bravery of those who answered the call to help. ❤️

To help students use positive self talk, these 3 sentences are repeated on the announcements and integrated on a daily basis at Parkview. Our students matter and we believe in them!
A favorite quote from a student who reached a reading goal : "I CAN do hard things!"

1st graders are practicing identifying numbers in a variety of forms. Here, Mrs. Petersen's class does this by using the cooperative learning structure called "Quiz Quiz Trade". #parkviewinspire #misdinspire

✨ We welcome Miranda Hess as a Special Education Associate at Parkview Elementary!
Miranda worked in healthcare for the last twelve years but felt that her calling was elsewhere. She and her husband, Mitch, have four children, who are students at MISD, and two French Bulldogs. She always thought it would be awesome to be more involved in the district and its community.
Miranda says, "I am excited about being a part of something bigger; new students, new school, and new opportunities to make an impact."
We are thrilled to have you!

Between learning about being safe at school, math rotations, and how to take care of the environment, there's lots of good learning happening today at Parkview! #parkviewinspire #misdinspire

More teamwork happening at Parkview! In P.E they are also practicing listening skills, problem solving, and cheering others on as they build hula hoop houses! #parkviewinspire #misdinspire

Kindergarten has started their #CKLA unit on nursery rhymes and fables. They started with “Jack Be Nimble” and even got to jump over a candle stick! Amplify Education #parkviewinspire #MISDInspire

After learning and re-learning expectations at Parkview last week, 2nd grade students work on team building and teamwork! #parkviewinspire #misdinspire

Today is the first day of preschool! We’re incredibly excited to welcome our newest Wolves into the MISD community! 🙌
#MISDInspire #MISDOwnYourFuture

Attention Parkview Preschool Families: WE ARE READY FOR YOU!
Miss Jess and Miss Amanda can't wait to see you on Tuesday! #parkviewinspire #misdinspire

Order and support Project Graduation by purchasing the fall Super Fan shirts for MHS. Orders are due September 8th. Football, Cheer, Volleyball, Cross Country, Poms, and Music shirts are available! https://marionsuperfan.itemorder.com/shop/product/42874653/