WHO'S WHO WEDNESDAY! Ms. Skiba is another new teacher here at Starry! See the message from her below! "My name is Ms. Skiba, and this is my first year at Starry and teaching! I am originally from Illinois, but I now live in Cedar Rapids. In my free time outside of school, I enjoy watching movies and eating movie theater popcorn! I am excited for this school year!"
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
As part of Starry's #pbis program, students are working towards a whole school reward! When a class receives 50 whole class dojo points, they will put up a piece of "chalk" that represents their class. When all classes put up their chalk, we will do a school wide sidewalk chalk party! #starryinspire #misdinspire Click the link below for more information on Starry's PBIS program. https://www.marion-isd.org/o/starry/article/849060?fbclid=IwAR23HPeWPoH_n2BO1Xiy98_myHaIo_JDPmv36xPZtvN0YPv2oUuFR36Oaq8_aem_Acr-wywEoVUPspsRPX0TNOuMm3aO-Vn6WsG6Ft7ZBbfNvDjnoUQghbcJ9IUVEapjvfM&mibextid=Zxz2cZ
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
In science, first graders explored tuning forks and how vibrations create movement by touching them to the ping pong ball! #misdinspire #starryinspire
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
Last week, 2nd graders at Starry spent time with Red Cedar Chamber Music, a local music organization. The group visited classes during music on Monday and Tuesday. During this time, students were introduced to their instruments, learned about choices that composers make when they're creating music, and enjoyed listening to Red Cedar perform. A big highlight for many students was getting to feel the vibration of the cello as it played! They were so surprised! On Friday, each class took a field trip to the Granger House in Marion where they were given a brief tour of the museum, followed by a mini concert from Red Cedar in the parlor! #misdinspire #starryinspire
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
Mrs. Ehrisman's class says "THANK YOU" to Starry Parent Group for the root beer floats! They were in the top 3 classes of earning the most money in their most recent fundraiser! #starryinspire #misdinspire
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
root beer floats
root beer floats
Second grade has a surprise visitor today! Paul Bunyan! They celebrated the end of their Fairy Tales and Tall Tales #CKLA unit with Paul Bunyan serving them flapjacks and maple syrup! @amplify #misdinspire #starryinspire
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
Paul Bunyan
Paul Bunyan
Paul Bunyan
Paul Bunyan
Paul Bunyan
Paul Bunyan
Super Fan Shirts are here for Cheer, XC, Volleyball, Marching Band And Football (Seperate link). STORE CLOSES THURSDAY 9/21. ORDER TODAY! You can personalize them with your own last name or your fav player :) https://stores.teamelitesports.com/marion_super_fan/shop/home?fbclid=IwAR0XbfqzO3Z8YFaaqcHGrfeHGjE99sVyXgiDqudRvCIp8GURoCEqjpZ-3dY https://stores.teamelitesports.com/marion_super_fan_football/shop/home?fbclid=IwAR0ns6_6rAIOOedJQGQ8yZO2_jsY-1SMP6TiBMfd4seWEhv8SbeX5hcAkl8
over 1 year ago, Marion ISD
super fan
super fan FB
Super Fan Shirts are here for Cheer, XC, Volleyball, Marching Band & Football (Seperate link) STORE CLOSES THURSDAY 9/21. Order today! You can personalize them with your own last name or your favorite player. https://stores.teamelitesports.com/marion_super_fan/shop/home?fbclid=IwAR0XbfqzO3Z8YFaaqcHGrfeHGjE99sVyXgiDqudRvCIp8GURoCEqjpZ-3dY and https://stores.teamelitesports.com/marion_super_fan_football/shop/home?fbclid=IwAR0ns6_6rAIOOedJQGQ8yZO2_jsY-1SMP6TiBMfd4seWEhv8SbeX5hcAkl8
over 1 year ago, Marion ISD
fb superfan
super fan
A birthday shout-out to Starry principal, Mr. Zrudsky!
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
WHO'S WHO WEDNESDAY! Meet Ms. Krapfl! Alyson Krapfl is one of our new 2nd grade teachers at Starry. Some fun facts about her is that she was in the marching band at University of Iowa, she has a dog named Tiny, and she loves to read, kayak, travel, and crochet.
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
Save the date!
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
glow run flyer
During science, second graders observed River rocks and worked together to sort them into groups based on their properties. #starryinspire #misdinspire
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
It was a crazy busy (but fun!) homecoming week! Here is a collection of pictures from homecoming, to our Walkathon fundraiser! #starryinspire #misdinspire
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
first grade
first grade
What a beautiful night for the homecoming parade! The parade starts at 6pm. Enjoy the great weather, new route, & pep rally location while you respect all the neighbors along the route. #MISDinspire #MISDOwnYourFuture
over 1 year ago, Marion ISD
parade day
WHO's WHO WEDNESDAY! Meet Mrs. Wright! Cordae Wright is the new behavior focused teacher at Starry Elementary. This is her 24th year working with students and her 4th district. Cordae is a wife, mother of 3 beautiful children and dog mom of 2 energetic huskies. She loves Flamingos and having fun! #starryinspire #misdinspire
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
Homecoming Day 2: Tropical Tuesday!
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
first grade
first grade
Homecoming week day 1: Disney Day!
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
2nd grade
first grade
How will you have a ticket for tonight's home fb game? 3 ticketing options: 1. Purchase online: https://ia-marion-lite.intouchreceipting.com/ActivitiesAdmission 2. Purchase @ gate with a debit/credit card. 3. Bring exact change. No cash onsite. Adults $7 & Students $5. #GoWolves
over 1 year ago, Marion ISD
ticket options
See the flyer below for Starry Dress up days next week!
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary
WHO'S WHO WEDNESDAY! Meet Mrs. Vargason! See a message from her below! "Hello! My name is Megan Vargason, and I am a new second-grade teacher at Starry! I am eager to be part of an amazing team & to get to know students and families. I look forward to a year full of learning! I also want to thank everyone for the warm welcome to the district."
over 1 year ago, Parkview Elementary