MHSAP Plant Sale

The annual MHSAP Plant Sale will be held rain or shine:
Friday & Saturday, May 6 & 7
8:00am—2:00pm • MHSAP Gym (Enter through Gym Door)

Hundreds of organically-grown, heirloom plants will be available again this year. We are your Poppy place, with close to 20 varieties!  13 different Sweet Peas! A half-dozen Milkweeds, Salvias, and Monardas for a pollinator paradise! Veggies include: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, all three bean colors, lettuces, and much more!

Low, low prices: $1.00-2.50/ea

Everyone is welcome!

Contact: Meaghan MacDougall, 319-210-8415 or by email at