Check your Schedules Session 4 Begins Feb. 15

We look forward to seeing students back at MHSAP for Session 4 classes beginning Feb. 15! 

We have many on the waiting list, so please take a moment to double check your schedules before February 11. If your plans have changed (or if your student will not be able to attend at least 3 classes) please unregister your student. This gives those on the waiting list an opportunity to participate in the classes. 

TO UNREGISTER from a class: Login to and click on Student Information (top left).  Under the student’s name click VIEW under classes. Scroll to find the class and click UNREGISTER. You may need to click Registered or Waiting List to find the right class. If you inadvertently unregister someone, contact as soon as possible so the spot isn’t filled.

Take a video walk-through of the building with your students before you come to class:

Find Session 4 CLASS ROOM NUMBERS here:

To keep our kids safe, please check out the NEW dropoff/pickup guidelines before bringing your student to class:

Any questions, contact: Becky Peiffer,