We continue to explore ways to provide safe access for our program families to return to services they have enjoyed prior to COVID. To that end, we will be experimenting with opportunities for our families to make appointments to visit our Resource Library.
Appointments can be made
M-F between 1:00—3:00pm.
• for Mon., Wed., or Fri. email
Diane Messer, dmesser@marion-isd.org
• for Tues. or Thurs. email
Mary Bran, mbran@marion-isd.org
Parents will need to wear masks to enter the library and use hand sanitizer before browsing the book stacks. IF children are brought along, they will need to sit at an assigned table and have their own books or toys with them to stay occupied while the parent is looking at books. If you have any questions email Diane or Mary.
Curbside Pickup will continue to be available:
M—F: 10:00am—Noon • 1:00—3:00pm
USE THE LIBRARY ONLINE to reserve materials: tinyurl.com/MHSAPlibACCESS
Once notified that materials are ready for pickup, PICKUP materials at Library side door by ringing the doorbell.
RETURNS go in the outside drop box and is open all the time.