2 Hour Late Start February 6

Due to icy conditions, MISD has called a 2-Hour Late Start for Thurs., February 6.

How does that affect MHSAP?
The MHSAP building will not open until 9:20am. All non-high school classes and activities before that time are canceled.
Middle school classes will run on time starting at 10:00am.
High school classes will run on time starting at 9:30am. High school students should refer to the MHSAP 24-25 High School Class Schedule/Late Start Schedule (includes Kirkwood/Career Academy Weather Policies) and their teachers’ syllabi and emails. If there is a conflict due to dual enrollment, contact your instructor; they will be happy to work with you.

Our MHSAP High School Advising Drop In Advising event will begin at 9:30am.

MHSAP Families: please use your discretion on attempting to attend classes/events based on road conditions in your area. 

Drive carefully everyone!