
Kindergarten students recently wrapped up their second science unit of the year, Materials and Motion. This unit is split into two sections; the first focuses on a variety of different materials, such as wood, paper and fabric. The second section focuses on how objects move, how to engineer structures to make objects move, and how to make objects move farther and/or faster. Throughout this unit of study, students had the opportunity to participate in many hands-on, collaborative activities.


During the materials section of this science unit, students explored wood, paper, and fabric. For each of these materials, students began by going on a scavenger hunt in their classrooms to find items made of the specified material. This led to discussion about what these materials might be used for most often. For example, students noticed that the tables, and cabinets in their classrooms were made of wood, and that this may be due to wood being a stronger, more durable material than others, such as paper. Within their exploration of these materials, students learned about several different varieties of each. When learning about paper, students got to draw on many different kinds of paper (newsprint, cardboard, wax paper, etc) to determine which one(s) would be best for this activity. Students got to do an activity like this with fabric as well, in which they felt several types of fabric, and explored which ones may be best for different items, such as a blanket, rain coat, etc. A favorite activity that students did when learning about wood was testing which type of wood, out of several choices, would be best for a raft. Students worked together to  attach paper clips to wood blocks to figure out which could hold the most paper clips without sinking.


To begin learning about motion, students learned about the differences between pushes and pulls, and that in order for an object to move, a push or  pull is necessary. They also learned about gravity, and its relation to motion. Students then used their knowledge about pushes, and pulls to explore what happens when an object in motion collides with another object. Another favorite activity during this unit consisted of students rolling a ball with the goal of getting it to collide with, and knock over, a block tower. Students then discussed what they could do to get the ball to roll faster, and got to construct a ramp for the ball to roll down. Students did a great job of working with their classmates to problem-solve so that they could engineer a  ramp that was effective in getting the ball to roll quickly, and in the correct direction so that it collided with the blocked tower. It was so much fun to see students’ curiosity, and creativity flourish during these learning experiences!
