
At Parkview Elementary, we have a scheduled time throughout the day that is called “WIN Time”, an acronym that stands for What I Need. WIN Time is meant to be a structured, flexible block of time built into the school day. The purpose is simple, to meet students where they are and provide targeted support. During this time, students engage in activities specifically tailored to their current needs, whether it’s academic intervention, enrichment, or reinforcement of skills. 

To determine what activities and groups students will participate in during WIN time, our staff takes a data driven approach to these groups which includes gathering data from assessments, progress monitoring data, and more. The groups are flexible based on needs which means that they can change over time and ensures all students are included. WIN time also involves focused instruction from classroom teachers, specialists, or other support staff that leads small groups activities such as counseling or behavior supports.

WIN Time is important because it addresses the diverse needs of all students, ensuring they have the opportunity to succeed. For students who need extra support in areas like reading or math, WIN time provides targeted interventions that help close learning gaps without interrupting their regular classroom instruction. At the same time, advanced learners benefit from the chance to explore challenging topics, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and a love of learning. By tailoring activities to meet students where they are, WIN Time promotes equity, ensuring that every child, regardless of their starting point, has access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

Each grade level’s WIN time may look a little different, but may include time with specialists as stated above, but also includes rotations in the classroom such as independent reading, writing activities, digital learning time, work at the ‘teacher table’, and more. Ask your student what their favorite WIN time rotation is!